“I am a high school teacher, lecturer, and YouTuber. I have many years of practical experience in e-learning, online education and the use of technology in teaching. I provide webinars and online consultations for schools and organizations that support education.
I use OrgPad to plan lessons, webinars, lectures, and presentations at conferences. The main advantage of OrgPad is that I don't have to think about the structure ahead of time. I add all the handouts and ideas first, then sort and organize them. The structure often ‘reveals itself’. This makes OrgPad unique and saves me a lot of work.”
Václav Maněna, manena.info
Quickly take notes in context. Keep the big picture and details in one place. Have fun learning. Mix pictures, videos, and even other websites such as Quizlet.
Share and collaborate with your classmates in real-time.
“After having used Mind map tools for several years (both on paper and on a computer), I experience OrgPad as a totally different visual thinking tool. Simpler, more flexible, more fun.
When taking notes on an article or a video, instead of having the content and the visual thinking tools on separate windows, I bring the content inside OrgPad.
It took me around 2 hours to get used to the OrgPad way and it was worth it!”
Yehonathan Sharvit - Twitter, blog.klipse.tech
Get an idea, realize it, and present it to others. All in one tool.
spatial to-do lists
Keep track of a running project. Create a one-stop dashboard for your notes, tasks, spreadsheets etc.
Track your project in one place, from exploring ideas, research data, to developer hand-off. Create your own portfolio.
You can even build a programming tutorial in OrgPad.
“I am the most active user of OrgPad. My enthusiasm and belief in the value of this tool led me to change my career, which I built on OrgPad as a freelancer, and I also became part of the OrgPad team. I love OrgPad because it allows me to be limitlessly creative and create things that really make sense. It allows me to get my thoughts, feelings, tasks or even songs in order :) I just do everything here and haven't find anything that can replace it!”
Barbora Jeřábková - barus.cz
No matter how complex your problem is, organizing it will always help you grasp it better.
“I'm a teacher, lecturer, and, most importantly, a tech enthusiast. I love making things easier for myself, and there was a time when I liked using mind maps. I was searching for a top-notch tool to work with them and came across OrgPad. That’s when I realized that mind maps are just a tiny piece of the vast world of non-linear notes and ideas.
Recently, it hit me that I would be lost without OrgPad. It helps me not only with lesson and lecture planning but also with creating presentations, handouts, and sharing resources with my students.
OrgPad has made my work so much easier, and what I appreciate most is how simple and intuitive it is to use. This allows me to focus entirely on the content I’m creating without getting bogged down by the tool itself.”
Jindřich Zdráhal, sskola.cz
Many people use OrgPad to plan their IT projects, create documentation, track bugs or research existing technology.
Support your lecture with a beautiful presentation.
An overview of technology used in OrgPad and their interactions:
Get everyone across your organization on the same page. Designers. Marketers. Developers.
Creative a beautiful interactive website without any code. Let your portfolio stand out.
“I have been looking for a tool that captures not only my ideas but also the flow of thoughts including any ‘flashes’ under the main ideas. I am glad I have been introduced to OrgPad.
As an educator and a trainer, I focus on ensuring that my learners and participants are able to understand the concepts and make the necessary connections not only within the topic but also across the topics. OrgPad is an amazing tool that is simple and yet allows for complex ideas to be grouped together in an organised way. The flow of ideas is depicted by arrows which may be colour-coded.
As an artist and visual thinker, I am able to include strong visual anchors with details behind that layer. The end result is what I call the “Concept Flow Cards” system of critical and creative thinking processes. The use of OrgPad is only limited by our creativity. The huge canvas enables one to expand the “map” and include links to web-sites as well as YouTube videos. My favourite is adding music videos to create the mood and fun in learning. Feel free to explore my public OrgPages and enter a whole new world of digital transformation.”
Thum Cheng Cheong
“I've tried several similar systems, but OrgPad is the only one I've stuck with. Both as a lecturer for presentations and as a teacher and general user for personal use. Most importantly, I also use it with my students when teaching. Because you can tell a well-designed product by the fact that students don't ask how to use it.”
Pavel Hodál teaches pupils and trains adults. What he trains, he has tested himself, directly on children. He writes about school, technology, the CLIL method and India on the website tybrdo.cz
“Learning is like solving a jigsaw puzzle. Looking at tiny individual pieces alone is not enough to assemble a complete picture. We also need to pay attention to how those pieces fit together. For me, OrgPad is a unique tool that helps with both. Moreover, OrgPad offers a frictionless and smooth user experience, a pleasant bonus.”
Eliška Šestáková - eliskasestakova.cz
“OrgPad is a groundbreaking tool supporting creativity and free thinking. It's a kind of extended solution of our world of thoughts and an innovative framework for working with information, data and multimedia. I use OrgPad on a daily basis as part of Human Resources practice. I can't imagine any project including all stages of project activities without using OrgPad. OrgPad offers hypercreative possibilities and is an indisputable partner in terms of work, as well as personal productivity.”
Jan Kryštof - LinkedIn
Computing sizes of all cells, 31 remaining …